Irish Pubb in Alzey, ein weiterer Ort der Kunst (Lesung) bei koku2012:
The Druid'S Chair is the name localsuse when refering to an ancient stone formation in the village Killiney on the
outskirts of Dublin. In the pre-christian times the site was allegedly a meeting point for Celtic druids. Lying on the crest of a hill above Killiney Bay less than 20 kilometers fromthe centre of
Dublin and offering magnificent view southwards across Killiney Bay towards Bray and the Wicklowmountains, Killiney long ago became one of the most sought after residental areas in Irelamd and
today there are many rock stars, writers and other celebrities living in the vicinity.
Irish Pub, Alzey, ein weiterer Ort der Kunst bei koku2012:
At the top of Killiney Hill stand on obelisk adn just are three large flat stone altars. The story told to school
children visiting the site is that theese were used to celebrate secret open air masses during the period in Irish history when it was forbidden for Roman Catolics to practise their religion.
Talking to any of the locals, one quickly finds out that the origins of the altars lie much further back in time and that the rituals carried out there disappeares with the spread of Christianity
in Ireland from the fith century onwards.
In view of Alzey's Celtic past, "The Druids Chair" was a natural choice of name for an Irish Pub in town. The owners, Gertrud and Jürgen Reinhard, invite you to come in, relax and enjoy a little
bit of Ireland in the town of Rheinhessen.
We welcome you all and hope that you share our motto:
"There are no strangers here, only friends who haven't met yet."
Hier wird am 21. und 22. April 2012 jeweils ab 20.00 Uhr Maximilian Weigl (auf deutsch) lesen.
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